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Forum La Guerre Des Gangs
Auteur fils de discussion: Event Butchery  (Lu 3144 fois)

Messages: 65
Depuis le 10/15/2017 @ 12:00am
Event Butchery
« le: Juillet19, 2016, 18:45:17 »

Hi dear gangsters and gangsteuses,

War Of Gangs soon live a vent called Butcher. The vent will not take place in Usania. It will take place in the game every day. We will offer you all, an immediate shift in launching this vent. The movements will be fixed at 6 and you will receive 60PA instead of 30. The market price will be revised upwards in order to offer the opportunity to ride fast to make war on your enemy (s). The AP cost for the cover will increase from 21-52 to avoid attacks and then I hide ... We will know a LGDG ultra fast version for a few days. A change can do little to harm !

We expect the integration of a murderer ranking, there will likely gains for people in the lead. We are still in development mode perks of the vent.

Launch date: in the coming hours !